H2 - Headline

Nor is there anyone who loves, seeks, or desires pain in itself simply because it is pain, except in accidental circumstances in which effort and pain can bring him great joy. To take a trivial example, who among us ever undergoes strenuous physical exercise other than to take advantage of it? But who has any right to blame a person who makes the decision to enjoy a pleasure that has no unpleasant consequences, or one who avoids pain that does not bring about any resulting pleasure? Neither is there anyone who loves, seeks, or desires pain in itself simply because it is pain, except in accidental circumstances in which effort and pain can bring him great joy. To take a trivial example, who among us ever undergoes strenuous physical exercise other than to take advantage of it? But who has any right to blame a person who makes the decision to enjoy a pleasure that has no unpleasant consequences, or one who avoids pain, which does not result in any resulting pleasure?nor is there anyone who loves, seeks or desires pain per se, only,


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